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Jeff Bezos Just Announced a $10 Billion Donation to Combat Climate Change

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced that he will be committing $10 billion of his own money to fight climate change. The announcement came via Instagram and is, by far, the largest donation to the cause to date. The Bezos Earth Fund will support “any effort that offers a real possibility to help preserve and protect the natural world”.

$10 Billion could go a long way in pushing forward renewable energy, capture carbon, restore natural habitats, and research and development in a wide range of important technologies that can help reverse climate change. Some critical of Amazon think Bezos could better help by altering Amazon’s business practices to be more sustainable. In 2018, Amazon emitted about 44.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. This puts the company in the top 200 emitters worldwide.

Originally Published by Green World Alliance