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Qube is Creating Bricks From Plastic Waste

A new startup, Qube, is setting out to change the way we build our cities on a foundational level. Abhishek Banerjee developed a way to make bricks out of plastic waste. The India based company began when Banerjee toured a traditional brick kiln and was shocked at the level of inefficiency and inhumane working conditions present.

He came up with a new way to create bricks by using plastic waste. The resulting bricks are similar to Lego bricks, fitting together without the need for mortar. Plastiqubes are more 70% more energy efficient to manufacture, 30% cheaper to produce, and half the weight of traditional bricks. The bricks also help to solve the colossal problem of plastic waste in India.

Currently the country throws away around 25,000 tons of plastic waste each day. 40% of this waste goes uncollected and left in streets, waterways, and ultimately our oceans. Qube has been receiving awards internationally and is currently in the testing phase of fire resistance and long-term durability.

Originally Published by Green World Alliance