Posts tagged Plastic
The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2020 Looks to Hold Producers Accountable

A new bill introduced to Congress proposes a reduction of the production of plastic in the United States. There is often a focus on consumers to responsibly reduce the amount of plastic they consume and dispose of it properly. The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2020 shifts responsibility to the producers of plastic, holding them financially responsible for waste they create.

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Qube is Creating Bricks From Plastic Waste

A new startup, Qube, is setting out to change the way we build our cities on a foundational level. Abhishek Banerjee developed a way to make bricks out of plastic waste. The India based company began when Banerjee toured a traditional brick kiln and was shocked at the level of inefficiency and inhumane working conditions present.

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The Pacific Garbage Patch Is Probably Not What You Think It Is

The Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of various marine debris in the North Pacific ocean, between Hawaii and mainland United States. This patch carries debris from the western united states and parts of Asia. The Northern Pacific Subtropical Gyre is where the waste ends up after years of travel through the pacific. At the center of the Gyre, the water is relatively calm, slowly collecting pieces of trash together in an area that is 7.7 Million square miles. 

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