Posts tagged Water
Los Angeles Has 96 Million Plastic Black Balls Floating in its Reservoir to Increase Water Quality and Reduce Evaporation

The L.A Reservoir has 96 million black balls floating on it. When the shade balls were introduced into the reservoir, many people had questions about the purpose and effectiveness. The most common answer is to reduce evaporation during summer months. The correct answer is much more in depth, although evaporation reduction is a positive outcome.

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Watergen Can Help with Water Scarcity Around the World

The company Watergen has created a system that creates drinking water from air. The technology extracts humidity from air in a machine resembling an air conditioner. The machine works by drawing in air, filtering it, going through a heat exchanger which extracts the water from air, and finally filtering the water to remove impurities and adding minerals for taste

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Lead is Still a Problem in the U.S. and it's Largely Due To Politics and Greed

Although the EPA has set the Maximum Contaminant Level Goal for Lead in drinking water at zero, there are still cities throughout the United States with lead and other contaminants in their water. Access to clean water needs to be more of a priority in the United States. Why do we still have lead in our water? Politics and greed are playing a large role.

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